Control description categories: Column C | Column D (Landforms; Rock and boulders; Water and marsh; Vegetation; Man-made features; Special items) | Column E | Column F | Column G | Column H | Special instructions

Column D indicates the feature on which the control flag is placed. These are cross-referenced
to the ISOM 2017-2 (International Specification for Orienteering Maps) and ISSprOM 2019-2
(International Specification for Sprint Orienteering Maps)
symbol or symbols used to represent
them (which are generally harmonised). Note that where a number is given it includes all symbols
beginning with that number (e.g. 509 indicates 509.1 & 509.2).

If a second control feature is required (i.e. for crossing; junction; between) then this must go in
column E. It is not permitted to place two symbols in Column D.

Prominent features / Special items

Ref.SymbolNameDescriptionISOM/ ISSprOM
6.1PROMINENT FEATURE / SPECIAL ITEMIf used, an explanation of its meaning must be supplied to competitors in the pre-race information.115
6.2PROMINENT FEATURE / SPECIAL ITEMIf used, an explanation of its meaning must be supplied to competitors in the pre-race information.530