Control description categories: Column C | Column D (Landforms; Rock and boulders; Water and marsh; Vegetation; Man-made features; Special items) | Column E | Column F | Column G | Column H | Special instructions

Column G – Location of the control flag

No symbol is required to describe the location of the control flag in relation to the feature if the control flag is positioned at, or as near as possible to, the centre of the feature (or the centre of the foot in the case of the cliff).

Ref.SymbolNameDescriptionISOM/ ISSprOM
12.1NORTH EAST SIDEUsed where the feature extends above the surface of the ground; e.g. Boulder, north east side; Ruin, west side. A control on the side of a feature will not usually be visible from the opposite side.
12.2SOUTH EAST EDGEUsed where:
a) The feature extends down from the surface of the surrounding ground and the control is situated on the edge at ground level; e.g. Depression, south east edge.
b) The feature extends over a significant area and the control is situated on the border of that area; e.g. Marsh, west edge; Clearing, north west edge.
12.3WEST PARTUsed where the feature extends over a significant area and the control is located neither at the centre, nor on any of the edges; e.g. Marsh, west part; Depression, south east part.
12.4EAST CORNER (INSIDE)Used where:
a) The edge of a feature turns through an angle of 45-135 degrees; e.g. Open land, east corner (inside); Ruin, north west corner (outside).
b) A linear feature turns a corner; e.g. Fence, south corner (inside); Stone wall, south west corner (outside).
Note: The side of a building may be treated as a linear feature and hence “building, east corner (inside)” does not mean “inside the building”.
The orientation of the symbol indicates the direction in which the corner points.
12.6SOUTH WEST TIPUsed where the edge of a feature turns through an angle of less than 45 degrees; e.g. Marsh, south west tip.
12.7NORTH WEST ENDThe point at which a linear feature ends or starts; e.g. Ride, north west end; Stone wall, south end.
12.8UPPER PARTWhere the feature extends over two or more contours and the control is located near the top; e.g. Erosion Gully, upper part.
12.9LOWER PARTWhere the feature extends over two or more contours and the control is located near the bottom; e.g. Re-entrant, lower part.
12.10TOPWhere the control is located at the highest point of the feature and this is not the default location; e.g. Cliff, top; Stairway, top.
The upper of two levels.
12.11FOOT (NO DIRECTION)Where the control is located at the lower junction of the slope of the feature and the surface of the surrounding area and this is not the default location; e.g. Earth bank, foot; Stairway, foot.
12.12NORTH EAST FOOTAs above, but where the feature is large enough for the control to be placed in more than one location around it; e.g. Hill, north east foot.
12.13BENEATHWhere the control is located underneath the feature; e.g. Pipeline, beneath.
The lower of two levels.
12.14BETWEENWhere the control is located between two features; e.g. Between thickets; Between boulder and knoll.