Control description categories: Column C | Column D (Landforms; Rock and boulders; Water and marsh; Vegetation; Man-made features; Special items) | Column E | Column F | Column G | Column H | Special instructions

Distance from Timed Start to the Start Triangle

This is an optional line showing the distance to the start triangle from the point of the timed start. This will typically be required for an arena start, or when there is a long run out to the start triangle. It is not required if the start triangle is near to the point where the timing starts.

14.1Distance to the start triangle from the point of the timed start.

Special Instructions

Special instructions may be given to the competitors within the body of the description sheet. These should be used to emphasise what is shown on the map.

If a marked route is to be followed away from a particular control, or between controls:

15.1Follow Taped Route, 60m away from control.
15.2Follow Taped Route, 300m between controls.

If there are mandatory crossing points or routes between two controls:

15.3Mandatory crossing point or points.
15.4Mandatory passage through out of bounds area.

At a map exchange, or if a marked route is to be followed from a control to a map exchange,
it should follow the last control description of the first part of the course as follows:

15.5Follow Taped Route, 50m to Map Exchange.
15.6Map flip (turn the map over)

Nature of route from the last control to the finish

Following the final description, the nature of the route from the last control to the finish is
indicated by one of the following:

16.1400m from last control to Finish.
Follow taped route.
16.2150m from last control to Finish.
Navigate to finish funnel, then follow tapes.
16.3380m from last control to Finish.
Navigate to finish. No tapes.