Symbol categories: Landforms | Rock and boulders | Water and march | Vegetation | Man-made features | Technical symbols | Course planning symbols

The representation of vegetation is important to the competitor because it affects runnability and visibility and it also provides features for map reading.


The basic principle is as follows:

  • White represents typical open forest,
  • Yellow represents open areas divided into several categories,
  • Green represents the density of the forest and undergrowth according to its runnability and is divided into several categories


The runnability depends on the nature of the vegetation (density of trees / scrub and undergrowth: bracken, brambles, nettles, etc.), but runnability is also affected by marshes, stony ground, etc. which are shown by separate symbols.

Vegetation runnability is divided into categories according to running speed.

RunnabilityPercentageExamplesAprox. speed (min/Km)
Easy running100%Lawns, paved areas, paths< 4:00
Normal running speed80% – 100%Rough open land, forest4:00 – 5:00
Slow running60% – 80%Stony ground, undergrowth, dense vegetation5:00 – 6:40
Walk / Difficult to run20% – 60%Very stony ground, undergrowth, dense vegetation6:40 – 20:00
Fight< 20%Extremely stony ground, very dense

To train and learn this category of symbols: Game: Map symbols – Vegetation

(click the images to enlarge them)

CodeSymbolNameDescriptionControl Descrip.
401OPEN LANDOpen land that has a ground cover (grass, moss or similar) which offers better runnability than typical open forest.4.1
402OPEN LAND WITH SCATTERED TREESAreas with scattered trees or bushes in open land.4.2
403ROUGH OPEN LANDHeath, moorland, felled areas, newly planted areas (trees lower than 1 m) or other generally open land with rough ground vegetation, heather or tall grass offering the same runnability as typical open forest.4.1
404ROUGH OPEN LAND WITH SCATTERED TREESAreas with scattered trees or bushes in rough open land.4.2
405FORESTTypical open forest for the particular type of terrain. If no part of the forest is easily runnable then no white should appear on the map.4.8
406VEGETATION: SLOW RUNNINGAn area with dense vegetation (low visibility) which reduces running to about 60-80% of normal speed.4.5
407VEGETATION: SLOW RUNNING, GOOD VISIBILITYAn area of good visibility and reduced runnability, due to, for instance, undergrowth (brambles, heather, low bushes, cut branches). Running speed is reduced to about 60-80% of normal speed.
408VEGETATION: WALKAn area with dense trees or thickets (low visibility) which reduce running to about 20-60% of normal speed.4.5
409VEGETATION: WALK, GOOD VISIBILITYAn area of good visibility that is difficult to run through, due to, for instance, undergrowth (brambles, heather, low bushes, cut branches). Running speed is reduced to about 20-60% of normal speed.
410VEGETATION: FIGHTAn area of dense vegetation (trees or undergrowth) which is barely passable. Running reduced to less than about 20% of normal speed.4.5
412CULTIVATED LANDCultivated land, normally used for growing crops. Runnability may vary according to the type of crops grown and the time of year.4.1
413ORCHARDLand planted with trees or bushes, normally in a regular pattern. The dot lines may be orientated to show the direction of planting.4.1
414VINEYARD OR SIMILARA vineyard or similar cultivated land containing dense rows of plants offering
good or normal runnability in the direction of planting. The lines are orientated to show the direction of planting.
415DISTINCT CULTIVATION BOUNDARYA boundary of cultivated land vegetation (symbols 401, 412, 413, 414) or a boundary between areas of cultivated land when not shown with other symbols (fence, wall, path, etc.).4.7
416DISTINCT VEGETATION BOUNDARYA vegetation boundary within the forest, or a distinct forest edge.4.7
417PROMINENT LARGE TREEProminent large tree.4.9
418PROMINENT BUSH OR TREEProminent bush or tree.4.5
419PROMINENT VEGETATION FEATUREProminent vegetation feature.4.10