Symbol categories: Landforms | Rock and boulders | Water and march | Vegetation | Man-made features | Technical symbols | Course planning symbols
This category includes both open water and special types of vegetation caused by the presence of water (marsh). The classification is important because it indicates runnability and provides features for map reading and control points. A black line around a water feature indicates that it is uncrossable.
The features listed in this section may only contain water in some seasons. Marsh symbols are combined with area symbols for openness (yellow) and runnability (green and yellow).
To train and learn this category of symbols: Game: Map symbols – Water and marsh
(click the images to enlarge them)
Code | Symbol | Name | Description | Control Descrip. |
301 | UNCROSSABLE BODY OF WATER | Uncrossable body of water. The black bank line emphasises that the feature is uncrossable. | 3.1 3.2 3.4 |
302 | SHALLOW BODY OF WATER | Shallow body of water. A shallow seasonal or periodic body of water may be represented using a dashed outline. | 3.2 | |
303 | WATERHOLE | A water-filled pit or an area of water which is too small to be shown to scale. | 3.3 | |
304 | CROSSABLE WATERCOURSE | A crossable watercourse. Should be at least 2 m wide. | 3.4 | |
305 | SMALL CROSSABLE WATERCOURSE | A small crossable watercourse. | 3.4 | |
306 | MINOR/SEASONAL WATER CHANNEL | A natural or man-made minor water channel which may contain water only intermittently. | 3.5 | |
307 | UNCROSSABLE MARSH | A marsh which is uncrossable or dangerous for the competitor. The black outline emphasises that the feature is uncrossable. | 3.7 3.8 |
308 | MARSH | A crossable marsh, usually with a distinct edge. | 3.7 3.8 |
309 | NARROW MARSH | A marsh or trickle of water which is too narrow (less than about 5 m wide) to be shown with the marsh symbol. | 3.6 | |
310 | INDISTINCT MARSH | An indistinct marsh, seasonal marsh or an area of gradual transition from marsh to firm ground, which is crossable. | 3.7 | |
311 | WELL, FOUNTAIN OR WATER TANK | A prominent well, fountain, water tank or captive spring. | 3.9 3.11 |
312 | SPRING | A source of water. | 3.10 | |
313 | PROMINENT WATER FEATURE | Prominent water feature. |